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Friday, December 3, 2010

Will Howard Stern retire?

Young Howard Stern
Welcome to the first post of my new blog Rhett's Opinion. This is a blog spot where you can find what I think about my daily activities. Howard Stern over the years has built himself up to be the king of all media. Controlling every kind of media from books, movies, to radio. Radio is where Howard Stern has most of his prestigious pull. With Howard Stern's days of Sirius radio coming to end everyone is wondering what is going to happen next, where is Howard going now? In my opinion Howard should retire! I know i know, it sounds horrible but he deserves it. As much as I hate to say it because I look up to him so much and look forward to the work week when I get to hear a brand new show of his, with Fred's great laugh in the background and Robin's big brown jugs just making me salivate. But it all has to end sometime. I feel he has earned the right to retire and live out the rest of his days with beautiful Beth. But this is where Howard turns out to be just like me. I myself would feel guilty to retire and let down so many fans. So therefore, Howard Stern will return to radio, who knows if it is with Sirius radio or Pandora. WHO KNOWS! I am here to say that Howard will return somewhere even thought he deserves not to. People need to learn not to be so selfish and let Howard live his life. Even though I think it is bull shit that he runs only 4 days a week, it needs to be 7 days a week if I had my way. But I don't have it my way and we have to realize that Howard is human. I mean yes he loves what he does and it is not really a job to him but if you do what you love everyday for 5 hours a day it becomes not so much of a love anymore. The only reason Howard stays on the radio is to satisfy his fans, I truly believe he loves all his fans dearly and the only love i don't agree with is the love for Eric the midget, or Eric this shitty actor. That concludes my daily blog spot post. We love you Howard! Keep up the good work!

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