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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Howard Stern Radio Needs Help!

SiriusXM has recently given their website a face lift for the new year. While the website looks great, the internet radio does not work so well. Let me start by saying I currently work as a web marketing agent and work on my computer from anywhere between 6 - 8 hours a day 5 - 6 days a week. With that being said I am a huge Howard Stern fan and love to listen to all live broadcasts by Howard Stern. While I only have an XM receiver in my car I must listen to Howard Stern via the internet radio player. To be able to use SiriusXM's internet radio you must pay an additional $2 per month to be able to listen to Howard on the internet or on my Iphone. Now I would be all fine and dandy paying the extra $2 a month if the internet radio would actually work. Now last year's radio actually worked without breaking up and worked greatly. Now that SiriusXM has changed over to this new website format the internet radio SUCKS! If it wasn't for Howard I would cancel my subscription. Howard goes on and on about the SiriusXM app and how no one appreciates his promotion of this item. Howard! You need to start bitching about the online internet radio. When listening to the SiriusXM radio for about 5 minutes it turns off, I try to refresh click around to different radio stations and nothing. I have to log out totally and log back in to be able to listen for 3 minutes again. This has forced me to miss much amounts of Howard. The only way I can listen at work is using my Iphone using headphones and I hate head phones! Howard please do something about this! You need to get on managements ass about this and if not you I will! I just tried to listen to Howard on the SiriusXM internet radio again and it shut off in about 2 minutes and doesn't restart. Howard, SiriusXM online radio blows and you need to do something about it, or I will be forced to listen less and less, I know you don't care if I listen or not but this blog post is worth a try. We love you Howard and keep up the good work.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Piers Morgan on Howard Stern

h Piers Morgan, you have some nerve. Who do you think you are coming on Howard Stern saying your going to take his crown of king of all media. You cannot even come up with your own title let alone steal Howard Stern's title as the king of all Media. Piers your are the king of sucking up to Oprah. Howard Stern could destroy your career at any time, you are nothing.

Number one in Congo you are? Who cares! Howard Stern claims that he likes you but I think that is a huge lie. I think you should go back to wherever you came from. I would rather watch JD jerk off than watch you mumble along with your stupid accent.
Sorry I was just a little angry.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Little Lupe Fucks the Sybian While Dave Lambert Salivates

8:20am Yes, the day had finally arrived, Little Lupe Fuentes was finally going to ride the Sybian sex machine with it’s inventor, Dave Lambert. The big event was originally scheduled last September, but the 80 year old Lambert fell off a horse and injured himself, so he could not participate.
When the odd pair entered the studio, Lupe seemed very reluctant to get on the sex machine because Dave said he needed to hold her during the ride. She thought Dave would try to have sex with her during the ride. She seemed to calm down a bit when Dave told her that his 80-year old penis did not work any more and that his role on the Sybian with her was not sexual.
Finally the two mounted the Sybian and Lupe immediately started to freak out screaming “this is so weird” when Dave held her. She was calmed down with some coaching by Howard. She did not cooperate as the machine started to vibrate, but soon got into it. Once again Dave coached her during the whole ride repeatedly with “that’s a girls” and “go ahead and cum”. It was just as creepy as the Dave’s on the Sybian with adult film star Raven Alexis.
Lupe said she “got off” and then they tried a second run on the machine. After a few giggles, Lupe got right back into it for an encore and “finished” again. Needing very little goading, they tried a third time which was not a problem for Lupe who said she could “cum many times”. The third time came and went and Howard expressed his disappointment with Lupe’s lack of enthusiasm, which prompted her to thy a fourth time. This time, the actress/pornstar came out and she screamed and cursed during the ride. Also making it’s first appearance was Dave’s infamous line “get the poison out”, which Lupe said made her uncomfortable, so he did not say it prior.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Will Howard Stern retire?

Young Howard Stern
Welcome to the first post of my new blog Rhett's Opinion. This is a blog spot where you can find what I think about my daily activities. Howard Stern over the years has built himself up to be the king of all media. Controlling every kind of media from books, movies, to radio. Radio is where Howard Stern has most of his prestigious pull. With Howard Stern's days of Sirius radio coming to end everyone is wondering what is going to happen next, where is Howard going now? In my opinion Howard should retire! I know i know, it sounds horrible but he deserves it. As much as I hate to say it because I look up to him so much and look forward to the work week when I get to hear a brand new show of his, with Fred's great laugh in the background and Robin's big brown jugs just making me salivate. But it all has to end sometime. I feel he has earned the right to retire and live out the rest of his days with beautiful Beth. But this is where Howard turns out to be just like me. I myself would feel guilty to retire and let down so many fans. So therefore, Howard Stern will return to radio, who knows if it is with Sirius radio or Pandora. WHO KNOWS! I am here to say that Howard will return somewhere even thought he deserves not to. People need to learn not to be so selfish and let Howard live his life. Even though I think it is bull shit that he runs only 4 days a week, it needs to be 7 days a week if I had my way. But I don't have it my way and we have to realize that Howard is human. I mean yes he loves what he does and it is not really a job to him but if you do what you love everyday for 5 hours a day it becomes not so much of a love anymore. The only reason Howard stays on the radio is to satisfy his fans, I truly believe he loves all his fans dearly and the only love i don't agree with is the love for Eric the midget, or Eric this shitty actor. That concludes my daily blog spot post. We love you Howard! Keep up the good work!